Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Funny Brother Stories

My twin brothers do a lot of funny things. Here are some stories about the funny things they did.

One time Caleb ran into my room while I was putting clothes away. He pushed me down to the floor and sat on me. Caleb put his hand over my mouth and pointed his fingers at me in a shape of a gun, he said, "You're a bad guy." I played along and yelled, "Joshy! Help me, help me, Josh!" Josh darted in right to Caleb and pushed him over. I stood up as Josh and Caleb wrestled each other. It was starting to get a little to violent so I tried to break up the fight. Caleb freed himself from Josh and pushed me into my closet. He yelled, "JAIL!" I thought it was so funny and started cracking up. It was like they playing this weird game.

Big Tummy:
After school, my mom came and picked me up. She told me that Caleb did something really funny at Clubsport (a work out/sports place.) My mom told me that she picked the boys up from the daycare center, and that Caleb pointed to a sort of overweight person's stomach and said, "You've got a big tummy. You've got a big tummy. You've got a big tummy." Luckily, it was hard for her to understand what he was saying because they have their own twin language.

My Nose:
Once, I pretended to take Caleb's nose. He freaked and started crying, "That's my nose. Give me back my nose." I pretended to put it back, he said, "Thank you," and he stopped crying. After that, Caleb and Josh started to pretend to take my hair, nose, arm, ear, foot, and other body parts, pretended to put it in their mouth and eat it. Then I pretended to cry and they would pretend to spit it out and put it back on my body. Still, now they pretend to eat me, but actually try biting me. YIKES!!

I'm Cleaning:
One time, Josh took his cup of water and started shaking it, leading a trail of water drops behind him. Caleb, following after had a toy horse head with a stick as the body to pretend to ride on, with the head part down. He used it as a mop and wiped all of the water away. The boys told my mom when she saw them, "We're cleaning." They worked together as a team to wipe up their own mess. If only they could pick up their toys.

Cool Joshy:
One day, after school my mom came and picked me up. She had Josh with her while Caleb stayed at home with my sister. I went in the car and Josh was wearing inside-out pajama pants, an orange pajama t-shirt on backwards, on top of a white long sleeve shirt, and neon colored swimming goggles with fish decorated on it. Josh said, "I'm cool Joshy." I asked my mom, "What is he wearing?" She answered, "He dressed himself today."

Santa-Ho, ho, ho:
One night, Caleb was wearing a red sweat shirt and a red ribbon around his waist. He held a white sock, a piece of tape, and held it out to my dad pointing to his chin saying, "I'm Santa-Ho, ho, ho." My dad taped the sock to his chin, Caleb was so proud that he looked like Santa (who they call Santa-Ho, ho, ho.) Josh thought that having a beard was interesting, so he got a tan sock and a piece of tape and held it out to my dad. My dad taped it onto Josh's chin. Soon enough, my sister and I started making paper mustaches and beards, then taping it on to ourselves.

My little brothers do way too many funny, weird, and gross things everyday. These are just some of their stories. My brothers are "Double Trouble!"

This is my family:

1 comment:

  1. He must be alot of trouble to look after I would go crazy having a brother like that.
