Monday, February 21, 2011

The Fun Times

This week was really fun! I had fun playing all sorts of fun games with Josh and Caleb while I babysat. The 3 year old twin boys kept telling me, "You're my best friend." Or they would say, "I'm your best friend." Mostly Josh was repeating that I was his best friend. My mom took my 8 year old sister, Kallie, to her doctors appointment and I stayed at home and babysat. At first, they were both taking their nap, but then Caleb woke up. He ran around the whole house crying, "Mommy! Where are you, Mommy? I need to go potty. I need to go potty, Mommy! Where are you?" I stopped reading my book and helped Caleb go potty. Afterwards, he still ran around the house, looking in every room, majorly mourning now, "Mommy! Mommy, I need you!" I told him that Mommy had to go bye-bye and take Sissy to the doctor. Caleb ignored what I said, kicked me, then started to run around in circles calling for her. I never like to see the boys cry, it breaks my heart to hear them cry. I finally got Caleb to calm down by turning "Blue's Clues" on the TV and giving him a fruit roll to eat. After that Caleb was alright, and Josh was still a sleep.

I also played a bunch of games with my brothers. We pretended to be farm animals and cowboys, had a dance party, worked puzzles, jumped on the trampoline, played outside, and I spun them around super fast. I think that Josh and Caleb are the cutest little boys ever! They sing, dance, and have very creative imaginations. The best times I've had with them, are the fun times while babysitting. 

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