Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Don't Let the Cuteness Fool You...

Josh is holding Caleb on his lap.
One thing that you should know about Josh and Caleb, they look so cute, but when you see how they act at home, they're way different.
I practically babysit them every day. They make almost the biggest messes you've ever seen. This week (every week) I picked up the house over and over and over again. The boys dump their toys out of the baskets and toy boxes, pull all of the pillows off of the couch, unfold blankets, and don't pick it up after. Here's a quote from Caleb, "I like to go bye bye. I like Mickey Mouse." Here's a quote from Josh, "I sick. I go to doctor."

For babysitting this week, I played games with Josh and Caleb. We played best friend, Caleb was my best friend and Josh was my sister, Kallie's best friend. We also played choo-choo-trains. Together we designed and set up the train tracks, it was amazingly huge and spread out across the floor. Something funny that Caleb did was that he wouldn't let me pass by unless I said, "Ding!" We played a game called Good Guy, Bad Guy, where Josh was the bad guy and Caleb, Kallie, and I were good guys, and we ran and hid from Josh. We also played Monster Hide-n-seek. We partnered up with one of the boys, hid in a good hiding spot, then waited for the monsters to find us, and switched. Also during babysitting, Kallie, Josh, and Caleb played with each other. Kallie pretended to be the mom, Caleb pretended to be the big brother, and Josh pretended to be the baby. They pretended to go to sleep for the game while I was deleting photos on my new camera. I finished doing stuff with my camera and got up. Kallie said, "What are you doing in our house?" I answered, "Oh, you're pretending that this is your house." I walked out and they kept on playing House. They may look cute, but they sure make a big mess and are hard to take care of!

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