Monday, February 28, 2011

Snow Day!

        We finally got some good snow this winter that actually stuck to the ground. School was canceled, so we had a very fun day.

        I bundled up my twin brothers on Thursday morning. First, snow pants, then coat, socks, boots, hat, and mittens. Now it was time to play in the snow! I dashed outside impatiently, Josh and Caleb followed after. I grabbed our 3 sleds, hauled them up to the hill, and tobogganed down with Josh. My dog, Chipper sprinted through the snow, kicking it through the air. I was waiting this whole winter to be able to play in the snow with my brothers, because last year they were too young, and didn't have any snow clothes. The snow was about 4 inches high, not very much. Josh and Caleb were so amazed with the cold white snow, covering the ground. My mom took a lot of pictures, but that didn't stop me from exploring through the snow. Our family made a snow man, the boys helped by putting the arms in and rolling up the balls a little. Our snow man turned out to be a small snow girl because my sister, Kallie, added a bow and hair. After a while, my brothers got tired of playing in the snow and cold, so the went inside for a cup of hot cocoa. Kallie and I kept on playing outside. I started to build a ramp out of snow when Josh and Caleb came back outside to play again. I had to babysit them while my mom stayed in the house and my dad went to work. Josh helped me gather snow to finish the snow ramp, while Caleb jumped on the snow covered trampoline with Kallie. The ramp was finished and I tested it out. I sledded down the hill on my knees, then when I came to the ramp I extended my legs, and I went high in to the air landing safely back on the ground. Josh watched me then wanted to try, so I took him down the hill and we went up into the air. After Josh had a turn on my ramp creation, Caleb tried it too, but it didn't work very well. As Caleb and I went down the hill, the sled went for to the left and when I jumped the ramp, Caleb fell off. He was alright, but didn't want to go again. I urged Caleb and told him that it would be better next time. He finally decided to try again and it worked well the next time. After a while of playing in the snow, I was getting cold. We all went inside, dried off, and Kallie and I drank a nice cup of hot cocoa. The snow started to melt and our snow girl fell over, but my ramp was still there. Our day of snow was sadly over and we had school the next day on Friday.

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