Sunday, January 30, 2011

Babysitting Sleepover

This week I babysat my brothers with the help of my friend Susannah. We were going to have a sleepover that night. At first, my mom went to Costco and we babysat Josh and Caleb for her. The boys were taking their nap and Susannah and I were playing a game. Josh woke up to go to the bathroom, I ended up having to wipe him for the third or fourth time in my life. We put Josh back to bed and then he got up again saying that he needed water. I got him a cup of water and Susannah put him back to bed. Caleb stayed sound asleep, but Josh kept on getting up and we kept putting him back to bed. It was so hard to try to play when Josh would not go to sleep. Finally, my dad came in from doing his outside work and got Josh to go to bed. Susannah and I finished playing some of the games and then my mom came home from Costco.

 Then my parents were going to go on a date together. The boys were still taking their nap. My mom and dad just left and Caleb woke up from his nap. We were eating dinner then so Caleb wanted something to eat too. My sister, Kallie got him a z-bar, he ate it and then Susannah and I finished our dinner. I turned on the music and we made up a dance. We kept practicing the dance to the music, taking up all of the space on the floor when Caleb says, "I want to dance." So we let him dance to the music. After a while, Joshua woke up from his nap. Susannah got them their favorite drink, chocolate milk. I turned on the movie, Secret of the Cave. Josh and Caleb kept getting up and running around during the movie, so I had to go grab them and force them back into the room where we were watching the movie. Finally, my parents got home. Susannah, Kallie, and I stayed up and finished watching the movie. We let the boys run around and play since my mom and dad were home, so we didn't have to babysit anymore. The boys went to bed. We finished the movie and it was getting late, so we went to bed. The next morning Josh and Caleb came into my room, got on my bed, and played with Susannah while I was still really tired. We all did puzzles together and then Susannah and I tried hiding from the boys so that we could play our own game. Then Susannah's mom arrived at our house to pick her up. Josh and Caleb were so sad that she had to leave because they absolutely love her! It is so fun to babysit with your friend, especially when you get a sleepover too!


  1. That sounds like a lot of fun! When I babysit with friends, I always get really frustrated though when they won`t leave us alone.

  2. Yeah. It was hard to do our own things with my brothers around, because they LOVE Susannah so much.
