Sunday, January 30, 2011

Babysitting Sleepover

This week I babysat my brothers with the help of my friend Susannah. We were going to have a sleepover that night. At first, my mom went to Costco and we babysat Josh and Caleb for her. The boys were taking their nap and Susannah and I were playing a game. Josh woke up to go to the bathroom, I ended up having to wipe him for the third or fourth time in my life. We put Josh back to bed and then he got up again saying that he needed water. I got him a cup of water and Susannah put him back to bed. Caleb stayed sound asleep, but Josh kept on getting up and we kept putting him back to bed. It was so hard to try to play when Josh would not go to sleep. Finally, my dad came in from doing his outside work and got Josh to go to bed. Susannah and I finished playing some of the games and then my mom came home from Costco.

 Then my parents were going to go on a date together. The boys were still taking their nap. My mom and dad just left and Caleb woke up from his nap. We were eating dinner then so Caleb wanted something to eat too. My sister, Kallie got him a z-bar, he ate it and then Susannah and I finished our dinner. I turned on the music and we made up a dance. We kept practicing the dance to the music, taking up all of the space on the floor when Caleb says, "I want to dance." So we let him dance to the music. After a while, Joshua woke up from his nap. Susannah got them their favorite drink, chocolate milk. I turned on the movie, Secret of the Cave. Josh and Caleb kept getting up and running around during the movie, so I had to go grab them and force them back into the room where we were watching the movie. Finally, my parents got home. Susannah, Kallie, and I stayed up and finished watching the movie. We let the boys run around and play since my mom and dad were home, so we didn't have to babysit anymore. The boys went to bed. We finished the movie and it was getting late, so we went to bed. The next morning Josh and Caleb came into my room, got on my bed, and played with Susannah while I was still really tired. We all did puzzles together and then Susannah and I tried hiding from the boys so that we could play our own game. Then Susannah's mom arrived at our house to pick her up. Josh and Caleb were so sad that she had to leave because they absolutely love her! It is so fun to babysit with your friend, especially when you get a sleepover too!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

My brothers, Josh and Caleb

Caleb doing his funny face.
This is my brother Caleb. He is very gentle, sweet, caring, and sharing, but sometimes he can be a big fusser and whiner. Caleb usually acts like he gets everything he wants and everything his way. He is a big talker, always repeating everything he says many times. Caleb likes to be the center of attention, so he does funny things and makes silly faces. He loves it when other people are over and he goes up and talks to them, unlike Josh. I guess he would be called the sweet, stinkerpot boy. Caleb is a lot like me. He likes to take care of owies, by giving it a kiss then putting a band-aid on it. I love my little brother Caleb very much!

Josh blowing raspberries.
This is my brother Josh. He is very strong, tough, brave, and helpful, but sometimes he doesn't listen and do as he's told. When someone talks to him, he doesn't look at them. He doesn't talk as much as Caleb. When a lot of people are over, he gets overwhelmed and shy. Josh will hold on to my mom's legs and hide behind her or want to be held. I guess you could call him the shy, but brave disobedient boy. As you can see, he doesn't look at the camera when his picture is taken. Josh is 2 minutes older than Caleb. I love my brother Josh very much!

Josh and Caleb sitting in my room.
Josh and Caleb are 3 years old, they will be starting preschool next year. They are taking speech lessons once a week, because they don't speak clearly, which is common for twins. The boys model for companies, they call modeling working. Josh and Caleb are very close to each other, if one does or gets something the other one has to too. They love band-aids and stickers. They are interested in many different things, even girl toys like Barbie dolls. Josh calls Caleb, Cay-Cay and Caleb calls Josh, Jshoshy. They love each other very much, and so do I! I love having twin brothers.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Oh Brothers!

This week I babysat my 3 year old twin brothers, Josh and Caleb. On January 18th (Martin Luther King Jr. Day) I babysat my brothers outside. One would run this way then the other one would run the opposite way. It was just so hard and frustrating. I got out some toys for them. Then they started fighting over one of them, the plastic car that you can sit in but you have to walk for it to move. I finally just said, "Boys, share! It's Caleb's turn anyway." Instead of Caleb taking a turn, he let Josh have it and rode the tricycle. What a sweet boy Caleb is. I started riding the go-cart and Josh and Caleb pushed me to make me go faster. After a while of playing outside and brothers fighting, I was ready to go inside. The boys wanted to keep playing outside, but I really wanted to go inside. I put away the toys. Josh and Caleb started drawing with chalk. Suddenly, we heard gun shots. We usually hear gun shots a lot where we live so I wasn't worried, but I made up a good plan to get the boys to go inside. I yelled, "Oh no! Gun shots. Hurry, we need to go inside, there's a bad guy. Hurry a bad guy!" Josh and Caleb rushed inside, they actually believed that there was a bad guy. I was taking my time slowly making my way to the house. The boys started rushing me inside. We went in, sat on the couch, and watched the movie My Dog Skip. I was exhausted from babysitting my little brothers. The boys stayed and watched the movie, or at least part of it. I started to lose my focus in the movie and looked for the boys to make sure they were still there, but they weren't there. So I got up and looked around the house, my mom was already putting them down for a nap. I guess babysitting is over until they wake up again. Oh brothers!!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

My Hobbies

I collect rocks and zanny bands. I like to read and write. I babysit my brothers and help out my mom. I email on the computer and look up things on google. I do competetive cheerleading.

About Me

Hi, my name is Madison! I am 11 years old. I am a cheerleader and I can do a lot of tumbling skills. I love to write fiction stories in first person point of view. My favorite color is sky blue. My favorite flavor is chocolate. I like playing the piano and playing outside. I have 3 year old twin brothers and an 8 year old sister. I have 3 cats and 1 dog. I live out in the country with 6 acres. I love hanging out with friends and watching movies. I chose this challange to do something good for other people and to make them happy. I want to be an author when I grow up.